kacperp(华沙莱吉亚球迷):波兰解说员刚刚说:我们几乎可以闻到淘汰赛的味道。两个小时后,有人会闻到法国的味道,有人会闻到澳大利亚的味道,还有人会闻到勒夫手指的味道。(Polish comentantor just said:We can almost smell Play offs. In two hours some will smell France, others Australia and some will smell Joachim Loews fingers.)
TomaszRS(波兰球迷):让你们体验一把波兰8-1-1阵型的威力。(You're all about to experience the beauty of the Polish 8-1-1)
Oodie21(纽卡斯尔联球迷):这阵型在对阿根廷时还挺管用的。(So far it's working really well against this Argentina side)
aveniner(波兰球迷):直到不管用之前一直挺管用。什琴斯尼救救我们吧。(It works until it doesnt.Szczęsny please save us)
xt1nct(波兰球迷):我是不想再看波兰的烂比赛了。波兰有个解说员说,看波兰的比赛,就像去看牙医,而且这个牙医让我周日再去一趟。(I don’t want to watch another polish fucking game. Edit: Polish commentator said that watching the polish team is like going to the dentist and he is like I have to do it again Sunday. Lmao.)
JoeyBoBoey(美国球迷):莱万这张脸拉这么长,有“高中时女朋友她老爸”那味儿了。(Robert Lewandowski has such "dad of high school girlfriend" energy)
ddottay(美国球迷):这张脸让他看起来老了15岁。(His face makes him look 15 years older than he is)
SuckMyLonzoBalls(美国球迷):波兰这门将甚至能挽救(save,也有扑救的意思)我的婚姻。(POLANDS GOALKEEPER COULD SAVE MY MARRIAGE)
Pizza_Salesman(美国球迷):他应该是阻止你“得分”的人吧。(Wouldn't he stop you from scoring though?)
CarnePopsicle(未知主队球迷):你需要的只是他那只无情铁手。(all you need is his glorious hand)
FFIXwasthebestFF(拜仁球迷):波兰应该找个地方为什琴斯尼立一座雕像。(Poland should build Szczęsny a statue somewhere.)
bustedracquet(英格兰球迷):给劳塔罗也立一座。(Build Lautaro one as well)
sebsasour(美国球迷):我出生在波兰,身边有好多墨西哥同事,我都不敢想明天上班会有多少垃圾话等着我。(I was born in Poland and have a handful of coworkers from Mexico. I'm not even sure how I go about trash talking tomorrow)
Mister_Allegri(尤文图斯球迷):“在罗马我将世界上最好的门将摁在替补席上(阿利松),在尤文图斯我将历史最佳摁在替补席上(布冯)。所以我不仅是当世最佳,还是历史最佳。”他的幽默感是一直在线的。(“In Roma I put on the bench the best goalkeeper in the world, in Juventus the best in history. It turns out that I am the best in the world and in history." Always has a good sense of humor)
HakunonMatch(切尔西球迷):裁判:点球!什琴斯尼:OH YEAH! (Ref: Penalty Szczęsny: lol. lmao.)
arvindanar7(巴萨球迷):没见过滚得这么慢的进球。(never seen a slower goal)
0429340(未知主队球迷):球是第46分钟射出去的,第83分钟滚到网底的。(Shot taken in the 46th minute, hits the net in the 83rd)
Lord_Wenry_Hotton(安特卫普球迷):所以现在可以开始算红黄牌了吧。(Is it time to start counting yellow and red cards?)
Select-Stuff9716(德国球迷):我赌10欧元,莱万一个字都没听懂。(10 Euros on Lewa not understanding a word of Messis accent haha)
FarAcanthocephala(曼联球迷):“别让巴萨买B席了,我要回家了。”("Stop Barca from buying Bernardo Silva, Im coming home")
StopTheFeed(未知主队球迷):“故意踢丢了点球,就为了和你就个伴儿。”("missed the penalty so you wouldn't feel left out")